On 18 May 2017, the Board of Directors of the CEIA approved the creation of CEIA Mujeres. The purpose of this Commission is to increase the visibility of women in arbitration and to enhance their profile and representation.
For the development of these objectives, the Commission was set up to address, among others, the following activities:
- Given that the CEIA is a signatory of the Pledge in Equal Representation in Arbitration, the Commission will follow up on the commitments made by the CEIA to promote equal opportunities in arbitration and to assist in their implementation, (i) the appointment of arbitrators and experts; (ii) the selection of speakers in conferences and other fora; and (iii) the appointment of representatives in the governing bodies, chapters and commissions of the Club.
- The Commission will set up a mentoring programme to encourage senior and experienced CEIA members to support and guide young women in the development of their arbitration practice.
- The Commission will carry out activities aimed at improving knowledge of arbitration among women active in the economic and business environment, For this purpose, it may, inter alia, organise information interviews with them and may participate in or contribute to their fora or meetings.
The Steering Committee of the Commission for the period 2022 – 2024 is composed of the following persons:
President: Elena Gutiérrez García de Cortázar,
Vocals: Elena Otero-Novas, Urquiola de Palacio, Carmen Núñez-Lagos, Margarita Soto, Marlen Estévez, Raquel Ballesteros, Mercedes Tarrazón, Deva Villanúa, María José Menéndez and Mercedes Fernández.

The Commission is open to all CEIA members and involves all its international chapters. In this regard, all women who are members of the CEIA will be considered natural members of CEIA Mujeres, unless they expressly request to be discharged from that specific Commission. On the contrary, men who wish to become members of CEIA Mujeres must expressly request it by sending an email to administracion@clubarbitraje.com.