12 Jun 2016 - 14 Jun 2016

11th International Conference of the CEA

We inform you that the XI CEA International Congress was held in Madrid from June 12 to 14, 2016, at the Rafael del Pino Auditorium (Calle Rafael Calvo, 39-A), under the title “New factors in the cancellation and execution of awards ”.

On Sunday June 12, 2016, prior to the XI International Congress of the Spanish Arbitration Club, the X Meeting of the CEA-40 took place in Madrid.

On Tuesday June 14, 2016 at 4:30 p.m., after the XI CEA International Congress, the IV Café de la Mediación Empresarial was held in Madrid, at the Rafael del Pino Auditorium, organized by the Club’s Mediation Commission. Spanish for Arbitration.


12 Jun 2016 - 14 Jun 2016


8 h 00 min - 18 h 00 min
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